Developing a co-responsible attitude to promote psychological safety in the workplace

The world of work is constantly evolving, particularly when it comes to the psychological health of employees. By October 6, 2025, the obligation for employers to take psychosocial risks into account in their prevention plans will come into force. In view of this, companies are well advised to gradually prepare for the implementation of this prevention program by modernizing their internal policies and processes, starting now.

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On edge? Get some fresh air!

While stress has been making headlines as a workplace health issue for several decades now, we’re hearing more and more about anxiety and, more recently, anguish at work. While for many, these words evoke more or less the same thing, they actually describe three distinct phenomena, all potentially harmful.
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Sleep: a health ally

March 19 2024 marks International Sleep Day. We can’t stress enough the importance of sleep, a vital requirement for our health and well-being, both physical and mental. It recharges our batteries, strengthens our immune system, protects our heart, stimulates our brain, regulates our mood and appetite and enhances our creativity.
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When should one seek professional help?

Knowing when to seek help is not always easy, and we often tend to wait until we’re at the end of our tether to ask for help. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, we tend to believe that we can do it all on our own, and many people still see asking for help as a sign of weakness.
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Psychosocial risks at work: multiple solutions

More than ever, the issue of psychosocial risks is at the heart of organisational concerns. Organisations are now making considerable efforts to act upstream, with the help of trained specialists. For example, at our firm, Olympe, we have set up a range of services specifically linked to mental health prevention and promotion. Our services give organisations a better understanding of psychosocial risk factors, so that they can take early action to protect the psychological health of their workers. There are numerous solutions to mitigate psychosocial risks at work.
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