Moving is healthy

World Health Day is celebrated every year on April 7. But for us, health is movement!
At Olympe, we’ve always believed in the importance of physical activity, and its benefits for both body and soul. That’s why we’ve approached and convinced so many companies to integrate physical activity into their workplaces, and the positive results have been felt instantly.

In fact, at Olympe, physical activity has been our credo for the past 40 years. A vocation in itself! As a result, after 4 decades, we have established 200 physical activity centers in private and public organizations across Quebec. And it continues. Over the past year, we’ve added a mental health prevention offer that’s snowballed. The idea is to intervene upstream, in particular by training managers.

Since the very beginning, our approach has remained unchanged. You don’t need to run a marathon to feel the benefits of sport. And as well as maintaining physical health, the psychological aspect is just as important. Fortunately, organizations are getting the message. And it’s easy to see why, when you read the conclusions of recent studies on the impact of physical activity on mental health. Here they are in bulk:

Physical activity…

  • releases happy hormones
  • reduces stress and anxiety
  • makes you feel more confident and serene
  • stimulates memory and attention
  • promotes creativity and learning
  • protects against aging

In short, physical activity is as good for the head as it is for the rest of the body.

At Olympe, we’ve always believed. After 40 years, we’re still focused on our core mission. Because we’re most proud of our contribution to the health of thousands of people!


By Roger Lemay