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  • that values health and wellness!


Improve ergonomics

Poor workstation ergonomics can lead to physical problems ranging from mild discomfort to chronic pain. At the house of Olympe, we can count on a team of experts to support your company in its health and well-being objectives.


Interventions by our specialists per year, in companies


Qualified workers to meet your needs


More than fifty conferences are given each year


We work with nearly a hundred clients a year.


While teleworking has become widely democratized in recent years, the same cannot always be said of the ergonomics of workstations at home. Olympe can support your employees in adjusting their home office by teleconference or using capsules. We also offer remote “Team building” activities combined with ergonomics sessions to combine business with pleasure.


With the pandemic, all of the employees of this pharmaceutical company have fallen into telework. Many of them did not have adequate adjustments to their “makeshift” workstations and began to develop pain and discomfort.


Using a pre-intervention canvas completed by the employee, Olympe managed to understand a good part of the problems before the intervention. This allowed us to complete the adjustments during a virtual meeting by making the necessary modifications using common objects (Example: raising the screen with an old dictionary).


With the pandemic, the vast majority of employees of this company have fallen into telework. Some employees unfortunately developed musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and in-person intervention was necessary.


Our ergonomists traveled directly to people’s homes to carry out interventions to offer quick corrections and economical solutions to promote the teaching of lasting and safe postural hygiene. Nothing is left to chance, our recommendations focus on the fit of work surfaces and chairs, as well as the location of peripherals. Always with the aim of promoting a reduction in musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

Office ergonomics

We have thousands of office ergonomics interventions to our credit. Our interventions comply with the CAN/BNQ 9700-800 “Healthy Enterprise” standard, LEED and WELL certification.

  • Preventive assessment
  • Corrective assessment related to a musculoskeletal disorder
  • Resource person training in office ergonomics (Ergo-coach)
  • Group training workshop
  • Participation and support in the design of workspaces (optimization of the layout, selection of equipment, light and sound atmosphere, etc.)


In order to reduce musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and optimize the comfort of its office workers (workstations in front of a display screen), the city of Montreal provides ergonomic assessments to all of its 28 000 employees.


Using an intervention framework, our ergonomists have carried out hundreds of interventions allowing us to offer quick corrections and economical solutions to promote the teaching of lasting and safe postural hygiene. Nothing is left to chance, our recommendations focus on the fit of work surfaces and chairs, as well as the location of peripherals. We also analyze light and sound environments as needed. By dealing with the “work environment” component, we can contribute to your efforts to obtain certification of the BNQ 9700-800 “Healthy Enterprises” standard.


The workstations for the service department was designed solely with a view to promoting the customer experience and did not take the awkward (twisting) positions of the worker into account.


The space has been completely redesigned and certain tasks have been redesigned in order to avoid unnecessary movements and, above all, to avoid awkward positions. This has resulted in the elimination of back pain and neck pain for workers.

Load handling

Musculoskeletal injuries are among the most common in the workplace, either due to poor posture or the handling of excessively heavy loads. Did you know that it is generally recommended that any load over 25 kilos be carried by two people or using lifting equipment? Repetitive handling movements can also involve significant risks. Our experts can assist you in supervising your operations to make them safer and avoid injuries.


The position of picker and handler presents problems in terms of equipment, work organization, training and efficiency.


The observations enabled us to identify the risk factors in the form of observations and to present various possible solutions;

  • Make other employees aware of the difficulties experienced in order to facilitate their activity;
  • Train the preparers in the handling of loads;
  • Provide storage space for various types of components;
  • Arrange the boxes and components according to their points and volumes;
  • Offer height-adjustable pallet supports at the head of the rows;
  • Acquire removable pallets to facilitate the recovery of the boxes located towards the rear;


The reconditioning of the panels must be carried out at several positions, the operators must transport and handle the panels at the various positions, which increases fatigue and discomfort/pain by the cumulative weight and distance of movement.


The analysis of the handling activity made it possible to identify the risk factors and to propose solutions making it possible to reduce travel with loads by reconsidering the location of the stations, facilitating the deployment of security strategies to facilitate the handling of panels using a specific formation. Reduction of the number of non-compliant panels with the participation of the department upstream of the process.

We also evaluated an exoskeleton model previously selected by the client. We demonstrated that it was not suitable and we proposed two models which are being tested.

Industrial ergonomics

Olympe will be by your side to help improve your productivity and reduce health and safety related costs, all while optimizing the work experience of your employees. By planning a structured change process, coupled with the integration of ergonomics and industrial engineering, we’ll help you reach your goals which stem from a desire for improvement on the internal level or as required by organizations such as the CNESST.


The three stations where sample analyzes are carried out generate discomfort and pain for different operators.


With the participation of the workers, we were able to identify the nature, frequency and duration of the tasks and activities that are carried out, their conditions of execution, the tools used, the configuration of the layout of the premises and difficulties experienced at work. We were able to offer solutions for the three positions in the laboratory while respecting the strategies developed by the workers as well as the labor standards and regulations in force.

Several solutions were accepted by the committee, for example:

  • Offer an electric slicer, adjustment of work surface height
  • Replace the funnel with a device allowing faster flow of liquids related to sample processing,
  • Provide a work surface with a geometry more suitable for handling the samples and measurement tools used.


The objective of this intervention is to identify the determinants and constraints related to the activity for each of the three positions.


After interviews and observations with each of the operators, various solutions were proposed in collaboration with the managers of the sector.


  • Define a new path for gluing the optics on the plates by favoring the grip of the pistol with the left hand and the right hand, by installing mirrors to limit the neck bending during gluing;
  • Provide adjustable tables and chairs to alternate standing/sitting postures;
  • Equip certain workstations with removable shelves and drawers to increase the capacity and location of tools and assembly parts and accessibility;
  • Provide a storage system for wire spools and a manipulator trolley for moving them;
  • Provide assembly tools that are more comfortable to handle while increasing operator efficiency.

Design ergonomics

One of our experts has dual training in ergonomics and industrial design as well a doctorate in anthropometry / dimensioning. 

His expertise leads him to analyze driving activity and work inside industrial vehicles, patrol cars, fire trucks, ambulances, etc.

  • Participation and support in the design or transformation of driving positions
  • Optimization of layouts
  • Selection of work surfaces and computer peripherals
  • Atmosphere / lighting
  • Driving station analysis
  • Selection of work vehicles with the participation of employees


The objective of our participation in the project is to offer optimal comfort to station agents for the metro boxes that are part of the extension of the blue line.


From interviews and observations, we made various recommendations and then validations using models to validate proposals allowing agents of all morphologies to be comfortably installed to serve the many users of the network. Everything has been thought of; the location of work equipment, the facilitation of communication between the agent and the clientele, the optimization of lighting, storage of various supplies as well as personal effects, etc.


Patrollers experience discomfort while driving, involving the volume of the console and the location of certain components (screen, keyboard, printer, etc.).


To follow up on the analysis of a control group, more than 30 recommendations were submitted. A new layout with a narrower console and with a geometry that allows tall police officers to sit well and reduces interference causing discomfort with the weapon has been eliminated. The choice and placement of supports for the screen now allow all police officers, young and old, to sit comfortably. A fact sheet and a video will also be produced to help police officers learn how to sit behind the wheel properly.


The seat as well as the display screens are not optimal and generate discomfort. The gaze directions are not efficient either.


After interviews and observations, we were able to formulate 32 recommendations on various aspects such as:

  • Select a seat with more adjustment allowing small and large operators to settle;
  • Define moments of breaks and exercises to restore the vigilance of operators;
  • Create a poster and video to guide installation and adjustments;
  • Define the size of the screens;
  • Propose the location of devices allowing the screens to be easily adjusted to various heights;
  • Adapt the lighting atmosphere to facilitate day and night work;
  • And many more functions

Experts in integrating physical activity, mental health and wellness in the workplace.

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