Olympe’s Mental Health Conference

Through the year, employees and managers at Olympe thought a lot about behavior changes in businesses and now we wish to share the information that we gathered with businesses with our new conference on mental health. We take dive into different themes like how to identify stressful elements which deepens the resilience to organizational changes. This conference presents means to address behavioral changes in simple, jargon-free way inspired by theoretical models, management and psychology concepts otherwise difficult to obtain.

Mental health management plays a big role in our capacity to adapt to changes and to events. Stress caused by an inappropriate adaptation can have a negative impact on our mental health. This way, by proactively planning a behavioral change that we wish to adopt, we lower the risks of going through a lot of negative emotions.

We must learn how to identify stressful elements on which we have control (ex. planning our teleworking agenda) and those where we don’t (a global pandemic). This is key to managing your workload and energy where it counts.

Did you know that only 15% of your employees will quickly adapt to changes? For most, changes are a synonym of stress. The good news is that Olympe’s professionals can help you find your own solutions to improve behaviors in your teams. Our conference on mental health will provide you with the appropriate tools to make changes happen in your business while decreasing the negative impacts.

Contact Olympe if you wish to know more about mental health.